Why I chose to change the magaxine I analyzed

As you can see I have analyzed two  magazines for ‘The Place Beyond The Pines’ this is because after analyzing the first one it came to my attention that this was not a good example of the film and how the company and producers of the film had created a cohesive branding and advertisement for the film. Therefore I searched for another magazine cover to analyze and found the ‘Lucky’ magazine, this had a much better feel about it and included a lot more information and connection to the film. Therefore all in all allowing me to link it to the film and highlight the films cohesive branding a lot easier. However I have left them both up so when thinking about the magazine cover for my film it allows me to see how to create an effective cohesive branding and how to not set up my magazine so it does not fit with any of the other advertisement techniques I use, e.g poster.