Final Magazine

Magazine 24.04_edited-1

After receiving feedback and analysing the magazine cover again, it was clear that a few changes had to be made. We looked back at the ‘Variety’ magazine and decided that we needed to edit our magazine cover so that it fit more into the marketing image of ‘Variety’ magazine. Therefore, instead of having the text at the bottom in the three different colours we changed the text to just white. We also changed the font so that it was ‘Times New Roman’ instead of ‘Bebas Neue’ this then allowed us to present ‘POWER’ in bold, in the correct font, so that it conformed a lot more to the magazine image. We also decreased the size of the barcode and magazine title in order to make the magazine cover look a lot more aesthetically pleasing and uniformed. This then allowed us to move the date up and to the left as I said I wished to do before and through all of these changes this then allowed the magazine to become much more effective than it was before.

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